
Self Photos / Files - Word-Cloud-2Good corporate governance is a key foundation to the Group's continuous success and future development. The Group has a comprehensive policy of seeking to comply with established best practice in the field of corporate governance and to protect the interests of shareholders, customers, staff and other stakeholders which is the core philosophy of the Board of Directors. Our major principles are emphasizing transparency and accountability to all stakeholders, maintaining high standards of integrity and establishing trust through sound governance practices. We incorporate these principles into our corporate culture through leadership of setting good examples by the management, appropriate training and effective internal controls.


Since 2005, the Group adopted its Code on Corporate Governance (the "CG Code") which sets out the corporate standards and practices used by the Group in directing and managing its business affairs. The CG Code was prepared with reference to the Code Provisions and Recommended Best Practices stipulated in the Code on Corporate Governance Practices issued by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (the "Stock Exchange"). The CG Code not only formalizes the Groups' existing corporate governance principles and practices, but also serves to assimilate practices with benchmarks prescribed by the Stock Exchange, ultimately ensuring that the Group runs a highly transparent operation and is accountable to its shareholders. In addition to abiding strictly by the laws and regulations of Hong Kong and observing the rules and guidelines issued by the relevant regulatory authorities, the Group will also regularly review its corporate governance practices, with a view to conforming to international and local best practices.


Self Photos / Files - download-icon.273921f460a0c6119fe317a1393d1ce1 Articles of Association
Self Photos / Files - download-icon.273921f460a0c6119fe317a1393d1ce1 Nomination Committee – Terms of Reference
Self Photos / Files - download-icon.273921f460a0c6119fe317a1393d1ce1 Remuneration Committee – Terms of Reference
Self Photos / Files - download-icon.273921f460a0c6119fe317a1393d1ce1 Audit Committee – Terms of Reference